Hey! I'm working on a 2D platformer set in the world of finnish folklore.

Currently I'm working on the player controller and I'd like to hear feedback how intuitive the controls feel to you all! There's no goal in game, this demo is here simply for testing purposes.

WASD  to move

Space to Jump (Tap for low jump, hold for higher jump)

Left shift to dash (sideways only)

Left ctrl to slide (while moving)

C to crouch

Sprite animations are made by rvros, kudos to him.


Development log


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Just scrolling through and playing random games, but I like this one :)

Movement feels nice and fluid, yeah theres a few clipping bugs with dashing but who cares. (Not me atleast)

Keep it up 

Thank you! I'm aware of the issue with the clipping. It has something to do with moving fast and colliders not detecting properly. I've had the issue in the past so I'll take a look at my older projects. Thanks for the feedback!