Patch v0.01

Hello everyone!

It has been a few weeks, since I uploaded the first version of the player controller.  While there wasn't a lot to do test at this time, I've received feedback on general feeling of the game as well as some bugs.

  1. Changing directions mid-air was difficult as the turning speed was instant so landing on small platforms was difficult especially after using a dash or wallbounce.
  2. Player would randomly get stuck near ledges and the only way out was to let go of any movement input
  3. Player would get stuck under low objects and you would have to manually crouch to get out
  4. Player could not wallbounce immediately if the player was standing next to a wall prior to the jump.

So I started looking into these issues, which led me to make a few key changes.

  • Adjusted wallbounce to give less initial speed, but can jump length can be extended by pressing a movement key. 
  • Added stronger turning-speed reduction mid-air, making  turning to feel more smoother.
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to wallbounce immediately if the player was standing next to a wall prior to the jump, this was caused by a condition where the player needed to be wallsliding in order to wallbounce and wallslide kicks in only when the player is falling. Now wallbounce is no longer tied to wallslide meaning you can immediately wallbounce after a jump.
  • Fixed issues with player getting stuck on ledges. This was caused by the capsule shaped collider. I've changed the collider to be more of a box with rounded edges. 
  • Added automatic crouch in case  you land under a low object from a slide or crouch walk

Now that bugfixes are out of the way, let's look what's new.

Camera system

I wanted to find a way to implement a new camera system, where I could easily change how the camera works depending on the situation.

I found this great video by Sasquatch B Studios, where they show you in detail, how to implement virtual camera system using Unity's cinemachine extension that mimics camera behaviour in hollow knight! 

Following this video, I've added camera transition between open areas, tight rooms, static "boss room" camera as well as a ledge detection, where the camera pans down from a ledge, subtly showing the player where to go, however there's only spot on the map that does it for now.

So these are the changes this far and I'm pretty pretty happy how it's working right now.

I'd like to hear your feedback how these changes feel to you.

So, until next time!


Files Play in browser
Nov 26, 2023

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